
We review the formalism of the effective average action in quantum field theory which corresponds to a coarse grained free energy in statistical mechanics. The associated exact renormalization group equation and possible nonperturbative approximations for its solution are discussed. This is applied to QCD where one observes the consecutive emergence of mesonic bound states and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking as the coarse graining scale is lowered. We finally present a study of the chiral phase transition in two flavor QCD. A precision estimate of the universal critical equation of state for the three-dimensional 0( 4) Heisenberg model is presented. We explicitly connect the 0( 4) universal behavior near the critical temperature and zero quark mass with the physics at zero temperature and a realistic pion mass. For realistic quark masses the pion correlation length near Tc turns out to be smaller than its zero temperature value. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describes qualitatively different physics at different length scales. At short distances the relevant degrees of freedom are quarks and gluons which can be treated perturbatively. At long distances we observe hadrons, and an essential part of the dynamics can be encoded in the masses and interactions of mesons. Any attempt to deal with this situation analytically and to predict the meson properties from the short distance physics (as functions of the strong gauge coupling o: 8 and the current quark masses mq) has to bridge the gap between two qualitatively different effective descriptions. Two basic problems have to be mastered for an extrapolation from short distance QCD to mesonic length scales: • The effective couplings change with scale. This does not only concern the running gauge coupling, but also the coefficients of non-renormalizable opera­ tors as, for example, four quark operators. Typically, these non-renormalizable terms become important in the momentum range where 0:8 is strong and deviate substantially from their perturbative values. Consider the four-point function which results after integrating out the gluons. For heavy quarks it contains the information about the shape of the heavy quark potential whereas for light quarks the complicated spectrum of light mesons and chiral symmetry breaking are encoded in it. At distance scales around 1 fm one expects that the effec­ tive action resembles very little the form of the classical QCD action which is relevant at short distances. • Not only the couplings, but even the relevant variables or degrees of freedom are different for long distance and short distance QCD. It seems forbiddingly

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