
A very significant progress has been achieved in lattice field theory in recent years. This has been possible thanks to the spectacular increase in the computer speed, but most importantly by the development of new algorithms, the use of improved actions and the ingenuity of the questions being asked. I will illustrate the recent progress in the field by considering a few selected examples of these. PACS: PACS-11.15.Ha Lattice gauge theory – PACS-12.38.Gc Lattice QCD calculations


  • Lattice Field Theory is a method to study field theories from first principles and beyond perturbation theory

  • A prototype field theory that needs to be treated by nonperturbative means is QCD, where from the very simple Lagrangian, which only depends on the gauge coupling and the quark masses: LQCD

  • The starting point is the discretization of this Lagrangian in a space-time lattice in a way that preserves gauge invariance, locality and unitarity

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Lattice Field Theory is a method to study field theories from first principles and beyond perturbation theory. In the case of Wilson fermions, where the breaking of the symmetry is explicit, it is necessary to fine tune the couplings to ensure that Ward identities are restored in the continuum limit. In spite of the remarkable progress in lattice QCD of the recent years, quenching remains an embarrassing but necessary approximation in many situations This approximation amounts to neglecting fermion loops in the path integral, i.e. making the substitution det(D + mf ) → 1. This approximation introduces a systematic error that cannot be estimated, experience shows that results are not far from experiment and it is a very good testing ground for the methods and techniques For these and other interesting topics see the contributions to this conference [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Confinement and the QCD string
String breaking from Wilson loops
QCD at finite density
Improved actions
BK with GW fermions
Ask the right questions
Light quark physics
The beast
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