
Abstract It is understood that on the modern oil field, large amounts of data are generated, and control of these data and efficient use is key for organizations. However, are these data helping production engineers to optimize oil production by making timely decisions or is the process of acquiring and organizing data taking most of their time, leaving a small percentage for the engineering analysis? A common practice in the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), is that operator companies share production data with their business partners through a common online portal. Usually, the formats selected to deliver the daily production reports and daily allocation values consist of reports in standardized XML schemas, text, Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel files. The time frequency these files are shared varies, from daily for the daily production reports (DPR) to 2 weeks to 3 months for the allocation figures. Frequently, subtle changes in the file formats are not detected by the system, forcing the production engineers to invest time modifying the file to a recognizable format, and thus reducing the time for the engineering analysis. A new workflow approach overcomes the operational challenges involved in this kind of process. The workflow approach includes processes that will assist in reducing the time of data acquisition, and the additional time allowed for analysis and interpretation of the data will drive faster and more accurate decisions. Different strategies were used to overcome challenges, including the creation of integrated workflows aligned to existing system architectures and key performance indicators. The workflows will help anyone currently working on the acquisition and analysis of data from a business partner or designing a solution to overcome the challenges of data acquisition and organization.

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