
Background Although surgery has been the mainstay of treatment of chondrogladiolar pectus carinatum (PC), several authors have advocated the benefits of nonoperative approaches to induce chest wall remodeling. Based on our initial success with compression bracing, we have integrated this modality into our treatment algorithm. Method We reviewed the charts of all patients treated for PC at our pediatric hospital between 1997 and 2004. Patients were managed with observation, operative repair, and orthotic bracing that provides continuous anteroposterior sternal compression. The brace was worn for 14 to 16 hours per day until linear growth was complete or for a minimum of 2 years. Results One hundred patients were diagnosed with PC. Fifty-seven patients had no treatment and were monitored. Twenty-nine patients were fitted with a brace. Of these 29 patients, 3 were noncompliant, resulting in a compliance rate of 90%. Of the remaining brace patients, all have had positive outcomes with no observed complications. Seventeen patients underwent surgical repair. Their outcomes were also positive with no major complications. Conclusion Our findings clearly demonstrate that compression bracing is a safe and effective treatment for children with chondrogladiolar PC. We currently offer this approach as a first-line treatment, reserving surgery for patients who are noncompliant and those who fail the nonoperative modality.

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