
In this work, we will consider the dimension reduction of the set of time series, such as economic data, to find the meaningful basis vector for the set of data, and indicate which data use which basis vector. Usually each of the time series is analyzed independently in economics but here we will analyze the set of time series simultaneously. Since some of the economic data are measured as positive values and we want to decompose them as a mixture of the parts, we will apply non-negative matrix factorization to the economic data. Non-negative matrix factorization can compress dimensions by approximating a non-negative matrix with the product of two non-negative matrices. The two non-negative matrices are called the coefficient matrix and the basis matrix, and the basis matrix can be considered as a dimensionally compressed matrix. If the standard non-negative matrix factorization is used for economic data, the basis matrix may not be smooth. We think that the basis vectors should be smooth except a few special economical incidents. In the proposed method, a Graph-based non-negative matrix factorization is introduced to regularize the basis matrix of the time series. A path graph for representing the time series of economic data is incorporated into the non-negative matrix factorization as regularization. As a result, basis vectors that maintains the time series of economic data are decomposed. Furthermore, we propose to introduce a sparsity in the non-negative matrix factorization. Traditionally, the sparsity incorporated into non-negative matrix factorization has been used for basis vectors. However, the proposed method introduces the sparsity for coefficient vectors. Thus the proposed method, which simultaneously incorporates the sparsity for the coefficient vectors and the smoothness for the basis vectors, can extract the smooth basis vectors and the original economical data are approximated as the weighted sum of the few bases vectors. This allows us to discover economic trends and the best-fit trends for each data at the same time.

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