
When the symmetry of axisymmetric Taylor vortex flow is broken, time-periodic wavy vortex flow (WVF) appears and quite quickly becomes globally chaotic (in the Lagrangian sense) with increasing Reynolds number. Previously published simulations of WVF suggest that beyond a certain Re, nonmixing vortex cores reappear in the flow and grow in size with further increases in Re. This reappearance occurs well into the inertia-dominated flow regime and coincides with a decrease in axial fluid dispersion and an increase in flow symmetry as measured by certain Eulerian symmetry measures. In this brief paper, we present experimental dye-reaction visualization results from two WVF wave states in the region where vortex cores are predicted numerically. The experimental results show unambiguous visual evidence for the existence of vortex cores and provide visual agreement with the numerical results. They are significant in that experimental evidence for these structures in WVF has not been reported before. The results also suggest that vortex-to-vortex transport occurs via sheetlike structures that are pulled from one vortex to another and become wrapped around the vortex cores before being stretched to the point at which molecular diffusion dominates.

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