
In this paper we propose a new way of obtaining four dimensional gauge invariant $U(n)$ gauge field from a bulk action. The results are valid for both Randall-Sundrum scenarios and are obtained without the introduction of other fields or new degrees of freedom. The model is based only in non-minimal couplings with the gravity field. We show that two non-minimal couplings are necessary, one with the field strength and the other with a mass term. Despite the loosing of five dimensional gauge invariance by the mass term a massless gauge field is obtained over the brane. To obtain this, we need of a fine tuning of the two parameters introduced through the couplings. The fine tuning is obtained by imposing the boundary conditions and to guarantee non-abelian gauge invariance in four dimensions. With this we are left with no free parameters and the model is completely determined. The model also provides analytical solutions to the linearized equations for the zero mode and for a general warp factor.

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