
Nonmesonic weak decays of single and double hypernuclei are studied on the basis of two-body baryon-baryon interactions, ΛN → NN and ΛΛ → YN transitions. The two-body weak transition is described by the combination of two processes, i.e., meson exchange and direct quark processes. The result indicates the importance of the direct quark(DQ) contribution. It largely enhances both the total decay rate and Γnn/Γpn ratio, and its property is different from the heavy meson exchanges (i.e. η, ρ, ω, and K*). The quark-meson hybrid picture, such as π+K+ DQ , reproduces the current experimental data except for the asymmetry parameter for light hypernuclei. The ΛΛ → YN transition in ΛΛ hypernucleus is complement of the ΛN → NN transition because it occurs only in the J = 0 channel which is hidden by J = 1 transition in the ΛN → NN case.

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