
Models are developed to estimate properties of relic cosmic perturbations with "spooky" nonlocal correlations on the inflationary horizon, analogous to those previously posited for information on black hole event horizons. Scalar curvature perturbations are estimated to emerge with a dimensionless power spectral density $\Delta_S^2\approx H t_P$, the product of inflationary expansion rate $H$ with Planck time $t_P$, larger than standard inflaton fluctuations. Current measurements of the spectrum are used to derive constraints on parameters of the effective potential in a slow-roll background. It is shown that spooky nonlocality can create statistically homogeneous and isotropic primordial curvature perturbations that are initially directionally antisymmetric. New statistical estimators are developed to study unique signatures in CMB anisotropy and large scale galaxy surveys.

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