
We study the topological physics in nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger systems on lattices. We employ the quench dynamics to explore the phase diagram, where a pulse is given to a lattice point and we analyze its time evolution. There are two system parameters $\lambda $ and $\xi $, where $\lambda $ controls the hoppings between the neighboring links and $\xi $ controls the nonlinearity. The dynamics crucially depends on these system parameters. Based on analytical and numerical studies, we derive the phase diagram of the nonlinear Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model in the ($\lambda ,\xi $) plane. It consists of four phases. The topological and trivial phases emerge when the nonlinearity $\xi $ is small. The nonlinearity-induced localization phase emerges when $\xi $ is large. We also find a dimer phase as a result of a cooperation between the hopping and nonlinear terms. A similar analysis is made of the nonlinear second-order topological system on the breathing Kagome lattice, where a trimer phase appears instead of the dimer phase.

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