
The framework of the theory of nonlinear dynamics provides powerful concepts and algorithms to study complicated dynamics such as brain electrical activity (electroencephalogram, EEG). Although different influencing factors render the use of nonlinear measures in a strict sense problematic, converging evidence from various investigations now indicates that nonlinear EEG analysis provides a means to reliably characterize different states of physiological and pathophysiological brain function. We here focus on applications of nonlinear EEG analysis in epileptology. Epilepsy affects more than 50 million individuals worldwide – approximately 1% of the world's population. The disease is characterized by a recurrent and sudden malfunction of the brain that is termed seizure. Nonlinear EEG analysis techniques allow to reliably identify the seizure generating structure (epileptic focus) in different areas of the brain even during seizure-free intervals, to disentangle complex spatio-temporal interactions between the epileptic focus and other areas of the brain, and to define a specific state predictive of an impending seizure. Nonlinear EEG analysis provides supplementary information about the epileptogenic process in humans, contributes to an improvement of the presurgical evaluation of epilepsy patients, and offers a basis for the development of new therapy concepts for seizure prevention.

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