
The numbers of pests and of natural enemies released to control them as part of integrated pest management strategies are density dependent. Therefore, the numbers of natural enemies to be released and the rate at which they kill pests should depend on their densities when the number of the pest population has reached the economic threshold. Bearing this in mind, a classic Lotka–Volterra system but with nonlinear state-dependent feedback control tactics is proposed and analysed in this paper. Furthermore, the definition and properties of the Poincare map which is defined in the phase set were investigated for various cases, allowing us to address the existence and global stability of an order-1 periodic solution of the model with nonlinear feedback control. Moreover, the existence and nonexistence of periodic solutions with an order larger than 2 or 3 are also discussed. The modelling methods and analytical techniques developed could be widely used and applied in other systems with threshold control such as the glucose insulin regulatory system.

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