
Nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (NRUS) is a technique for non-destructive sample evaluation by which a strain-dependent nonlinear parameter is quantified that exhibits heightened sensitivity to defects as compared to monitoring of linear resonance attributes. As NRUS measurements have traditionally used a controlled sweep of sinusoidal inputs, applications of the method have been largely limited to laboratory experiments. Here we present NRUS results which utilized a white noise signal as input, in order to better approximate ambient excitation and facilitate efficient validation using time-domain models. Studied samples were chosen to reflect a range of nonlinear responses and underlying mechanisms (acrylic, sandstone, fractured steel). We excited the studied samples using bonded piezoelectric transducers which delivered white-noise inputs at increasing amplitudes, with the nonlinear response measured with a laser doppler vibrometer. By comparing results against those obtained from traditional NRUS, we find comparable trends in the nonlinear parameter under white-noise excitation, including similar relative differences in magnitude across the samples and consistent values across similar mode shapes. While we note that white-noise strain estimation is complicated by simultaneous excitation of multiple resonant modes, NRUS results from white-noise excitation demonstrate promising viability of the technique for (1) in-situ inspection, and (2) a more-tractable approach to model the physics of various NRUS signals.

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