
This is the second in a series of three papers on nonlinear resonance effects in multilevel quantum systems in which quantum-mechanical systems are considered that are under the influence of any number of classically described driving fields (well defined in amplitude and phase) and are in weak contact with a thermal reservoir, such that relaxation may be described by means of phenomenological decay constants. In the first paper, referred to as I, a projection-operator formalism was developed for separating the equation of motion for the density operator into a part which may be treated by conventional time-dependent perturbation techniques and another part which, because it would give rise to secular terms using a time-dependent perturbation theory, must be treated by more exact means. In this paper three applications of the formalism developed in I are considered. The first application is to a system in which a multiple-quantum transition is taking place between two levels of the system which contains many levels between the two levels under consideration. In particular, the transition probability is calculated for these two levels, which are not directly connected by matrix elements of the interaction but are connected indirectly through intermediate states. The next application considered is the Raman effect in a four-level system. As a final application of the formalism developed in I an expression is derived for the magnetization ${M}_{+}(t)={M}_{x}(t)+i{M}_{y}(t)$ of a system of $N$ noninteracting spins under the influence of a static field in the $z$ direction and an arbitrary number of rf fields in the $x$ direction. As in I, a phenomenological form is assumed for the relaxation in all of these applications. It is shown in this problem that fields which are not involved in directly causing transitions in this system give rise to frequency shifts in the resonance conditions, which are accounted for in this treatment in a very natural and straightforward manner. For these fields, the rotating as well as the counter-rotating fields give shifts in the resonance condition.

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