
Conventional nonlinear spectroscopy uses classical light to detect matter properties through the variation of its response with frequencies or time delays. Quantum light opens up new avenues for spectroscopy by utilizing parameters of the quantum state of light as novel control knobs and through the variation of photon statistics by coupling to matter. We present an intuitive diagrammatic approach for calculating ultrafast spectroscopy signals induced by quantum light, focusing on applications involving entangled photons with nonclassical bandwidth properties - known as "time-energy entanglement". Nonlinear optical signals induced by quantized light fields are expressed using time ordered multipoint correlation functions of superoperators. These are different from Glauber's g- functions for photon counting which use normally ordered products of ordinary operators. Entangled photon pairs are not subjected to the classical Fourier limitations on the joint temporal and spectral resolution. After a brief survey of properties of entangled photon pairs relevant to their spectroscopic applications, different optical signals, and photon counting setups are discussed and illustrated for simple multi-level model systems.


  • Conventional nonlinear spectroscopy uses classical light to detect matter properties through the variation of its response with frequencies or time delays

  • Two-photon-emitted fluorescence (TPEF) vs. type-I parametric down conversion (PDC)

  • Generation and entanglement control of photons produced by two independent molecules by time-and-frequency gated photon coincidence counting (PCC)

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Nonlinear optics is most commonly and successfully formulated using a semiclassical approach whereby the matter degrees of freedom are treated quantum mechanically, but the radiation field is classical (Boyd, 2003; Scully and Zubairy, 1997). A clear signature of the quantumness of light is the scaling of optical signals with light intensities: Classical heterodyne χ(3) signals such as two photon absorption scale quadratically with the intensity, and require a high intensity to be visible against lower-order linear-scaling processes With entangled photons, such signals scale linearly (Dayan et al, 2004, 2005; Friberg et al, 1985; Georgiades et al, 1995; Javanainen and Gould, 1990). As the frequency of the pump pulse which creates the photons is varied in the right panel, the resonance is narrow in the frequency domain, as if it was created by a ns pulse This simultaneous time and frequency resolution along non Fourier conjugate axes is a hallmark of the time-energy entanglement, and its exploitation as a spectroscopic tool offers novel control knobs to manipulate the excited state distribution, and thereby enhance or suppress selected features in nonlinear spectroscopic signals.

Diagram construction
Single mode quantum states
Photon Entanglement in multimode states
Entangled photons generation by parametric down conversion
Narrowband pump
Broadband pump
Shaping of entangled photons
Polarization entanglement
Collective resonances induced by entangled light
Excited state populations generated by nonclassical light
Classical vs entangled light
Collective two-body resonances generated by illumination with entangled light
Model system
Scaling of two photon absorption with pump intensity
Stationary Nonlinear signals
Fluorescence detection of nonlinear signals
Fluorescence from multi-level systems
Multidimensional signals
Heterodyne detected nonlinear signals
Multiple photon counting detection
Photon correlation measurements using gated photon number operators
Photon counting and matter dipole correlation functions
Connection to the physical spectrum
Interferometric detection of photon coincidence signals
Coincidence detection of linear absorption
Coincidence detection of pump-probe signals
Coincidence detection of Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Signals
Superoperator description of n-wave mixing
Connection to nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation relations
Homodyne-detected SFG
The bare PCC rate
Simulations of typical PDC signals
Spectral diffusion
Time-and-frequency gated PCC
Simultaneous time-and-frequency gating
The bare signal
Spectrogram-overlap representation for detected signal
Multiple detections
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