
An unsupervised texture segmentation system using texture features obtained from a combination of spatial filters and nonlinear operators is described. Local texture features are evaluated in parallel by a succession of four basic operations: (1) a convolution for local structure detection (local linear transform); (2) a first nonlinearity of the form f(x)= mod x mod /sup alpha /; (3) an iterative smoothing operator; and (4) a second nonlinearity g(x). The Karhunen-Loeve transform is used to reduce the dimensionality of the resulting feature vector, and segmentation is achieved by thresholding or clustering in feature space. The combination of nonlinearities f(x)= mod x mod /sup alpha / (in particular, alpha =2) and g(x)=log x maximizes texture discrimination, and results in a description with variances approximately constant for all feature components and texture regions. This latter property improves the performance of both feature reduction and clustering algorithms significantly. >

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