
AbstractThe chapter surveys the results on the investigation of the nonlinear magneto-optical properties of magnetophotonic crystals (MPC) and microcavities. The effects of the second- and third-harmonics generation as well as nonlinear magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr effects are reviewed. The main magnetic material used in the MPC structures, which determines the magneto-optical activity of the magnetophotonic structures, is yttrium–iron garnet (YIG), which appears as a continuous layer in 1D MPC, microcavity layer in magnetophotonic microcavities or YIG nanoparticles incorporated in artificial opal structure. We demonstrate that many-fold amplification of the nonlinear magneto-optical effects is attained within the spectral edge of the photonic band gap and within the microcavity mode as compared to linear magneto-optical analogs. Strong light localization as well as the realization of the phase matching conditions are discussed as possible mechanisms of the observed enhancement of the nonlinear magneto-optical effects.KeywordsFaraday RotationSecond HarmonicGarnet FilmFundamental RadiationFaraday Rotation AngleThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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