
AbstractLetB(H) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert spaceHand 𝓐 ⊆B(H) be a von Neumann algebra with no central summands of typeI1. ForA,B∈ 𝓐, define byA∙B=AB+BA∗a new product ofAandB. In this article, it is proved that a map Φ: 𝓐 →B(H) satisfies Φ(A∙B∙C) = Φ(A) ∙B∙C+A∙ Φ(B) ∙C+A∙B∙Φ(C) for allA,B,C∈ 𝓐 if and only if Φ is an additive *-derivation.

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