
We treat the master equation in one dimension for the Rayleigh-piston problem of hard rods, i.e., a single heavy tagged particle with finite mass ${m}_{A}$ moving in an ensemble of light bath particles with mass ${m}_{B}$ and a time-independent velocity distribution. The backward form of the master equation is used to obtain a transport equation for a conditional average of a time-dependent physical quantity. It is shown how this integro-differential equation can be solved successively by transforming it into a closed set of first-order linear partial differential equations. The solution of the $l$th linear partial differential equation is completely determined by the solutions of the $l\ensuremath{-}1$ linear partial differential equations, meaning that higher approximations do not change lower ones. It is shown how the motion of the tagged particle can be separated into a deterministic (nonfluctuating) part and into fluctuating contributions. It turns out that the $l=0$ term in the successive approximation scheme satisfies a homogeneous linear partial differential equation and describes the nonfluctuating motion, whereas the higher approximations ($l\ensuremath{\ge}1$), which are solutions of nonhomogeneous linear partial differential equations, describe the fluctuating contributions. The calculations for arbitrary time-dependent conditional averages are performed explicitly up to order 2 in the expansion parameter ${\ensuremath{\Omega}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}=\frac{{m}_{B}}{({m}_{A}+{m}_{B})}$. This new method is employed to calculate the conditional averages for the time-dependent mean velocity, the mean-square velocity, the velocity-autocorrelation function, and the self-diffusion coefficient. In addition, the results show that conditional averages calculated via a Gaussian distribution function deviate considerably from the exact results obtained for mass ratios of order 1.

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