
In this paper, we are interested in the existence result of solutions for nonlinear and singular Dirichlet problem whose model is $$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{aligned}&-\mathrm{div}\Big (b(u) \nabla u\Big )+\mu (x) \frac{|\nabla u|^2}{|u|^\theta } \mathrm{{sign}}(u)=f\ \ \mathrm{in}\ \Omega ,\\&u=0\ \ \mathrm{on}\ {\partial \Omega },\\ \end{aligned} \right. \end{aligned}$$ where $$\Omega $$ is a bounded open subset of $$\mathbb {R}^N (N\ge 2)$$ , b(s) is a positive continuous function which blows up for a finite value of the unknown, $$\mu (x)$$ is positive, bounded and measurable, $$0<\theta < 1$$ , and the source f belongs to $$L^1(\Omega )$$ .

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