
We investigate the nonlinear dynamics of cold atom systems that can in princi- ple serve as quantum simulators of false vacuum decay. The analog false vacuum manifests as a metastable vacuum state for the relative phase in a two-species Bose-Einstein con- densate (BEC), induced by a driven periodic coupling between the two species. In the appropriate low energy limit, the evolution of the relative phase is approximately governed by a relativistic wave equation exhibiting true and false vacuum configurations. In previous work, a linear stability analysis identified exponentially growing short-wavelength modes driven by the time-dependent coupling. These modes threaten to destabilize the analog false vacuum. Here, we employ numerical simulations of the coupled Gross-Pitaevski equa- tions (GPEs) to determine the non-linear evolution of these linearly unstable modes. We find that unless a physical mechanism modifies the GPE on short length scales, the analog false vacuum is indeed destabilized. We briefly discuss various physically expected correc- tions to the GPEs that may act to remove the exponentially unstable modes. To investigate the resulting dynamics in cases where such a removal mechanism exists, we implement a hard UV cutoff that excludes the unstable modes as a simple model for these corrections. We use this to study the range of phenomena arising from such a system. In particular, we show that by modulating the strength of the time-dependent coupling, it is possible to observe the crossover between a second and first order phase transition out of the false vacuum.


  • As an intrinsically quantum mechanical phenomenon, false vacuum decay touches on fundamental issues in quantum field theory, including the notions of measurement and the emergence of classicality

  • We explore the viability of the analog false vacuum in detail through the use of nonlinear simulations of cold atom BoseEinstein condensate (BEC)

  • We investigated the nonlinear stability of analog false vacuum decay experiments in cold atom Bose-Einstein condensates

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Effective relativisitic scalar field dynamics

The first four of these are generic requirements, independent of the particular couplings in the GPE, while the fifth assumption (the decoupling between total and relative phonons) is specific to fluctuations in theories with g11 = g22 expanded around a background state of equal densities in the two condensates This latter condition holds for the stationary solutions with cos φ = ±1. By modifying the kinetic term in the resulting effective Lagrangian, under certain conditions this leads to an interpretation of a scalar field evolving in a classical background (such as a gravitational field) Under these assumptions, the relative and total phases of the condensates behave approximately as decoupled relativistic scalar fields. We can identify the relative phase phonons as the appropriate variable in which to study metastability, even in the nonlinear regime

Floquet instabilities and nonlinear dynamics of coupled condensates
Nonlinear dynamics
First and second order phase transitions of the analog false vacuum
Validity of scalar field interpretation and phonon decoupling
A Stochastic semiclassical simulations: the truncated Wigner approximation
B Dimensionless variables
Effective lattice wavenumber for discrete Laplacian stencils
D Numerical convergence and conservation tests
Direct convergence tests
Conserved charge preservation
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