
Traveling wave solutions are utilized to depict reaction-diffusion and analyze electrical signal transmission and propagation in space-time nonlinear fractional order partial differential equations like the space-time fractional Telegraph and Kolmogorov-Petrovsky Piskunov equations, and that are used in physical science to model combustion, biological research to model nerve impulse propagation, chemical dynamics to model concentration in order wave propagation, and plasma to model the progression of a set of duffing oscillators. In this study, the new generalized (G′/G)−expansion technique was employed to construct some novel and more universal closed-form traveling wave solutions in the sense of conformable derivatives which explain the above-stated phenomena properly. By utilizing complex fractional transformation, the ordinary differential equations are generated from fractional order differential equations. The recommended technique allowed us to produce some dynamical wave patterns of kink, single soliton, compacton, periodic shape, multiple periodic waves, anti-kink, and other structures are developed, which are shown using 3D plots and contour plots to illustrate the physical layout clearly. The traveling waveform responses can be defined in terms of functions based on trigonometry, hyperbolic operations, and rational functions and that are quick, flexible, and simple to reproduce. Furthermore, the obtained closed-form solutions for nonlinear fractional evolution equations make stability analysis and accuracy comparison amongst numerical solvers easier, which asserts that the new generalized (G′/G)−expansion technique is one of the most proficient and effective approaches.

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