
A simple homogenized rigid body and spring model (HRBSM) is presented and applied for the non-linear dynamic analysis of 3D masonry structures. The approach, previously developed by the authors for the modeling of in-plane loaded walls is herein extended to real 3D buildings subjected to in- and out-of-plane deformation modes. The elementary cell is discretized by means of three-noded plane stress elements and non-linear interfaces. At a structural level, the non-linear analyses are performed replacing the homogenized orthotropic continuum with a rigid element and non-linear spring assemblage (RBSM) by means of which both in and out of plane mechanisms are allowed. All the simulations here presented are performed using the commercial software Abaqus. In order to validate the proposed model for the analyses of full scale structures subjected to seismic actions, two different examples are critically discussed, namely a church façade and an in-scale masonry building, both subjected to dynamic excitation. The results obtained are compared with experimental or numerical results available in literature.

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