
Nonlinear diffusion equations of spectral transfer are systematically derived for anisotropic magnetohydrodynamics in the regime of wave turbulence. The background of the analysis is the asymptotic Alfv\'en wave turbulence equations from which a differential limit is taken. The result is a universal diffusion-type equation in ${\bf k}$-space which describes in a simple way and without free parameter the energy transport perpendicular to the external magnetic field ${\bf B_0}$ for transverse and parallel fluctuations. These equations are compatible with both the thermodynamic equilibrium and the finite flux spectra derived by Galtier et al. (2000); it improves therefore the model built heuristically by Litwick \& Goldreich (2003) for which only the second solution was recovered. This new system offers a powerful description of a wide class of astrophysical plasmas with non-zero cross-helicity.

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