
Current interest in efficient blue solid-state laser sources has led to research aimed at converting laser radiation in the 1.3μ region to the blue (4300–4600A). In this paper we describe laser operation on the \(^4{{\text{F}}_{3/2}}{ - ^4}{{\text{I}}_{13/2}}\) laser transition in Nd:YLF including the prominent π and σ polarized lines, 1.321μ and 1.313μ, and continuous tuning over the weaker band between 1.362 and 1.37 microns. Small signal amplifier gain measurements of the various transitions between these multiplets are presented in addition to a Q-switched oscillator, emitting 90mJ at 1.3665μ and an oscillator amplifier chain emitting 0.5J at 1.313 microns.

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