
Continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring through various physical stress tests is important for the prediction of hypertension and cardiovascular mortality. This study proposes a multimodal wearable biosensor device for continuous BP monitoring through various tests during exercise and internet of things (IoT) applications. We evaluated three pulse transit time (PTT)-BP estimation models to identify the best mode for predicting BP response to exercise. Moreover, the proposed BP monitoring system was designed to connect to the cloud server for health data processing and management. The efficacy of the proposed device was validated by monitoring the natural variability of BP in various cycling tests. Thus, BP estimation based on the impedance plethysmography waveform and arterial impedance offers superiority compared to other conventional PTT estimation methods. These results suggest the feasibility of the multimodal biosensor device for continuous, long-term BP monitoring in remote diagnosis and management with IoT-based healthcare applications.

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