
Since energy is scarce in sensor nodes, wireless sensor networks aim to transmit as few packets as possible. To achieve this goal, sensor protocols often aggregate measured data from multiple sensor nodes into a single packet. In this paper, a survey of aggregation techniques and methods is given. Based on this survey, it is concluded that there are currently several dependencies between the aggregation method and the behavior of the other network layers. As a result, existing aggregation methods can often not be combined with different routing protocols. To remedy this shortcoming, the paper introduces a new ‘non-intrusive’ aggregation approach which is independent of the routing protocol. The proposed aggregation method is evaluated and compared to traditional aggregation approaches using a large-scale sensor testbed of 200 TMoteSky sensor nodes. Our experimental results indicate that existing aggregation approaches are only suited for a limited set of network scenarios. In addition, it is shown both mathematically and experimentally that our approach outperforms existing non-intrusive techniques in a wide range of scenarios.

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