
Results are presented for a Floquet Ising chain with duality twisted boundary conditions, taking into account the role of weak integrability breaking in the form of four-fermion interactions. In the integrable case, a single isolated Majorana zero mode exists which is a symmetry in the sense that it commutes both with the Floquet unitary and the $Z_2$ symmetry of the Floquet unitary. When integrability is weakly broken, both in a manner so as to preserve or break the $Z_2$ symmetry, the Majorana zero mode is still found to be conserved for small system sizes. This is reflected in the dynamics of an infinite temperature autocorrelation function which, after an initial transient that is controlled by the strength of the integrability breaking term, approaches a plateau that does not decay with time. The height of the plateau agrees with a numerically constructed conserved quantity, and is found to decrease with increasing system sizes. It is argued that the existence of the plateau and its vanishing for larger system sizes is closely related to a localization-delocalization transition in Fock space triggered by the integrability-breaking interactions.

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