
A stable intense resistance called “nonhost resistance” generates a complete multiple-gene resistance against plant pathogenic species that are not pathogens of pea such as the bean pathogen, Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli (Fsph). Chitosan is a natural nonhost resistance response gene activator of defense responses in peas. Chitosan may share with cancer-treatment compounds, netropsin and some anti-cancer drugs, a DNA minor groove target in plant host tissue. The chitosan heptamer and netropsin have the appropriate size and charge to reside in the DNA minor groove. The localization of a percentage of administered radio-labeled chitosan in the nucleus of plant tissue in vivo indicates its potential to transport to site(s) within the nuclear chromatin (1,2). Other minor groove-localizing compounds administered to pea tissue activate the same secondary plant pathway that terminates in the production of the anti-fungal isoflavonoid, pisatin an indicator of the generated resistance response. Some DNA minor groove compounds also induce defense genes designated as “pathogenesis-related” (PR) genes. Hypothetically, DNA targeting components alter host DNA in a manner enabling the transcription of defense genes previously silenced or minimally expressed. Defense-response-elicitors can directly (a) target host DNA at the site of transcription or (b) act by a series of cascading events beginning at the cell membrane and indirectly influence transcription. A single defense response, pisatin induction, induced by chitosan and compounds with known DNA minor groove attachment potential was followed herein. A hypothesis is formulated suggesting that this DNA target may be accountable for a portion of the defense response generated in nonhost resistance.

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