
In a warm inflationary scenario, the initial seeds of density perturbation arise from thermal fluctuations of the inflaton field. These fluctuations in principle have Gaussian distribution. In a Gaussian distribution the density perturbation can be expressed as the two point correlation function. Thus if in an inflationary model the density perturbation is expressed as correlation function of order higher than two, these fluctuations are non-Gaussian in nature. A simple inflationary model containing single scalar field, slow roll, canonical kinetic term and vacuum initial state can produce a tiny amount of non-Gaussianity which are very small to be detected by any experiment. Non-Gaussianity can also arise in inflationary models containing multiple scalar fields. For an inflationary scenario with single scalar field, non-Gaussianity can be expressed in terms of bi-spectrum however for multi field Inflation, it is expressed in terms of trispectrum etc. In this piece of work, the warm inflationary scenario, driven by a D3 brane due to the presence of a stack of k coincident NS 5 branes is considered and the non-Gaussian effects in such an inflationary scenario has been analysed by measuring the bispectrum of the gravitational field fluctuations generated during the warm inflation in strong dissipative regime. The bi-spectrum of the Inflation is expressed in terms of the parameter fNL and it is seen that the value of fNL parameter lies well within the limit observed by WMAP7.

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