
We consider how galaxy clustering data, from Mpc to Gpc scales, from upcoming large scale structure surveys, such as Euclid and DESI, can provide discriminating information about the bispectrum shape arising from a variety of inflationary scenarios. Through exploring in detail the weighting of shape properties in the calculation of the halo bias and halo mass function we show how they probe a broad range of configurations, beyond those in the squeezed limit, that can help distinguish between shapes with similar large scale bias behaviors.We assess the impact, on constraints for a diverse set of non-Gaussian shapes, of galaxy clustering information in the mildly non-linear regime, and surveys that span multiple redshifts and employ different galactic tracers of the dark matter distribution. Fisher forecasts are presented for a Euclid-like spectroscopic survey of Hα-selected emission line galaxies (ELGs), and a DESI-like survey, of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and [O-II] doublet-selected ELGs, in combination with Planck-like CMB temperature and polarization data.While ELG samples provide better probes of shapes that are divergent in the squeezed limit, LRG constraints, centered below z<1, yield stronger constraints on shapes with scale-independent large-scale halo biases, such as the equilateral template. The ELG and LRG samples provide complementary degeneracy directions for distinguishing between different shapes. For Hα-selected galaxies, we note that recent revisions of the expected Hα luminosity function reduce the halo bias constraints on the local shape, relative to the CMB. For galaxy clustering constraints to be comparable to those from the CMB, additional information about the Gaussian galaxy bias is needed, such as can be determined from the galaxy clustering bispectrum or probing the halo power spectrum directly through weak lensing. If the Gaussian galaxy bias is constrained to better than a percent level then the LSS and CMB data could provide complementary constraints that will enable differentiation of bispectrum with distinct theoretical origins but with similar large scale, squeezed-limit properties.

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