
In practical activities of the Ukrainian bureau of forensic we increasingly come across cases of nonfatal air gun injuries. However, experts lack a common methodological approaches for forensic evaluation of injuries, particularly during the examination of living people. An earlier analysis of nonfatal air gun injuries made on materials of only two regional bureau of forensic medical examination, a purely local nature used on a small number of cases using some general parameters can provide processing methodology study of air gun injuries and practical recommendations for the implementation of forensic medical examinations. 127 cases of «Expert’s conclusions» and «Acts of the forensic examination» were investigated, taken from 21 bureaus all regions of Ukraine during the period of 2006-2015, in which was performed forensic medical examinations in cases nonfatal air guns injuries.Discussion. The main causes of nonfatal air gun injuries are named as hooliganism, domestic conflicts, careless handling of weapons and robbery. Among the injured men is 86 %, women – 14 %. Injuries made mostly of air pistols and rifles, caliber 4.5mm. Among the weapons 8 models applied rifles large and extra large capacity. Most commonlywounded parts were head (38 %), chest (17,3 %) and lower limbs (16 %), less common – upper limbs (10,2 %) and neck (3,9 %). Input air gun injuries are mainly wounds (74 %), sometimes abrasions (23 %) and bruising (3 %). The nature and volume air gun injuries primarily dependent on the power of the applied weapon and the affected areas of the body, penetrating wounds from shots of powerful guns are accompanied by injuries of the brain and spinal cord, internal organsof the chest and abdomen bleedings, fractures of the skull, vertebrae, ribs and scapula; of shots from pistols and rifles low penetrating injuries were observed only in the cranial cavity, mostly after bullet passing an eyeball.Conclusions:1. The main causes of nonfatal air gun shot trauma were hooliganism, domestic violence, accidents and robberies. Among the casualties men is 86 %, women – 14 %.2. Injuries made mostly of air pistols and rifles, caliber 4.5mm including extra large power rifles.3. Most cases provided head, chest and lower limbs wounds, fewer cases of upper limbs and neck injuries were observed.4. High and extra large power rifles more caused penetrating air gunshot wounds of major body cavities with injury to the brain and spinal cord, internal organs with hemorrhages and bone fractures. Pistols and low power rifles caused penetrating injuries only in the cranial cavity, commonly after passing projectile eyeball.5. The majority of wounds are defined as minor injuries. Injuries of moderate severity made up only 2%. Serious injuries attributed to 13% according hazard to life and complete loss of sight.


  • Характер та обєм пневмострільної травми залежав передусім від потужності застосованої зброї та ураженої ділянки тіла: проникні поранення від пострілів із потужних гвинтівок супроводжувались ушкодженнями головного та спинного мозку, внутрішніх органів грудей та живота з крововиливами, переломами кісток черепа, хребців, ребер і лопатки; від пострілів із малопотужних пістолетів та гвинтівок спостерігались проникні поранення тільки в порожнину черепа, переважно після проходження снарядом очного яблука

  • Injuries of moderate severity made up only 2%

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Material and methods

To achieve the research objectives investigated the circumstances of the receipt and morphology of injuries in casualties in the case of contact of a body with wheels of a vehicle, (71 during the period from 2010 to 2015, according to the materials of the Odessa regional Bureau of a forensic medical examination)

Харківська медична академія післядипломної освіти
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