
The thermodynamical property of a small cluster including $M$ Hubbard dimers, each of which is described by the two-site Hubbard model, has been discussed within the nonextensive statistics (NES). We have calculated the temperature dependence of the energy, entropy, specific heat and susceptibility for $M = 1, 2, 3$ and $\infty$, assuming the relation between the entropic index $q$ and the cluster size $N$ given by $q=1+2/N$ ($N = 2 M$ for $M$ dimers), which was previously derived by several methods. For relating the physical temperature $T$ to the Lagrange multiplier $\beta$, two methods have been adopted: $T=1/k_B \beta$ in the method A [Tsallis {\it et al.} Physica A {\bf 261} (1998) 534], and $T=c_q/k_B \beta$ in the method B [Abe {\it et al.} Phys. Lett. A {\bf 281} (2001) 126], where $k_B$ denotes the Boltzman constant, $c_q= \sum_i p_i^q$, and $p_i$ the probability distribution of the $i$th state. The susceptibility and specific heat of spin dimers described by the Heisenberg model have been discussed also by using the NES with the methods A and B. A comparison between results calculated by the two methods suggests that the method B may be better than the method A for small-scale systems.

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