
In this study, we investigate the QCD chiral phase diagram in the presence of a chiral chemical potential based on nonextensive statistical mechanics. A feature of this new statistic is a dimensionless nonextensivity parameter q, which summarizes all possible effects violating the assumptions of Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistics (when , it returns to the BG case). Within the nonextensive Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, we find that as increases, the critical end point (CEP) in the plane continues to in the plane, and nonextensive effects have a significant impact on the evolution from the CEP to . Generally, with an increase in q, both the CEP and move in the direction of a lower temperature T and larger chemical potential μ (). In addition, we find that chiral charge density generally increases with T, μ, , and q. Our study may provide useful hints about lattice QCD and relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments.

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