
view Abstract Citations (12) References (46) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Nonexistence of two forms of turbulent bremsstrahlung Kuijpers, J. ; Melrose, D. B. Abstract It is shown that the forms of turbulent bremsstrahlung proposed by Tsytovich, Stenflo, and Wilhelmsson (1975) and by Nambu (1981) do not exist. The proposed mechanisms involve upconversion of ion sound turbulence into Langmuir turbulence, with the ion sound waves being emitted and absorbed resonantly and the Langmuir waves being emitted and absorbed nonresonantly. It is pointed out that a symmetry implicit in a standard QED treatment implies that there is another contribution to turbulent bremsstrahlung in addition to that calculated by Tsytovich, Stenflo, and Wilhelmsson and that the two contributions cancel exactly, leading to the null result. Nambu made an approximation inconsistently, and when this approximation is not made, two terms in his analytic treatment cancel exactly. It is argued that turbulent bremsstrahlung is related to a radiative correction in which the resonant emission of ion sound turbulence is modified by the nonresonant emission and absorption of Langmuir waves. Physically the nonexistence of turbulent bremsstrahlung is interpreted as being due to each emission of a Langmuir quantum being associated with an absorption of an identical Langmuir quantum so that the Langmuir turbulence is unchanged. Proposed astrophysical applications of turbulent bremsstrahlung need to be reconsidered. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: July 1985 DOI: 10.1086/163271 Bibcode: 1985ApJ...294...28K Keywords: Bremsstrahlung; Electromagnetic Radiation; Particle Interactions; Quantum Electrodynamics; Turbulence; Continuity Equation; Fourier Transformation; Vlasov Equations; Plasma Physics full text sources ADS |

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