
We study the number of equivalence classes of proper holomorphic embeddings of a Stein space X into ℂn. In this paper we prove that if the automorphism group of X is a Lie group and there exists a proper holomorphic embedding of X into ℂn, 0 < dim X < n, then for any k ≥ 0 there exist uncountably many non-equivalent proper holomorphic embeddings Φ: X × ℂk ↪ ℂn × ℂk. For k = 0 all embeddings will be proved to satisfy the additional property of ℂn\Φ(X) being (n - dim X)-Eisenman hyperbolic. As a corollary we conclude that there are uncountably many non-equivalent proper holomorphic embeddings of ℂk into ℂn whenever 0 < k < n.

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