
The Heisenberg ferromagnet (uniaxially anisotropic along z-direction), in the presence of time dependent (but uniform over space) magnetic field, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation. The time dependent magnetic field was taken as elliptically polarised in such a way that the resulting field vector rotates in the XZ-plane. In the limit of low anisotropy, the dynamical responses of the system are studied as functions of temperature and the amplitudes of the magnetic field. As the temperature decreases, it was found that the system undergoes multiple dynamical phase transitions. In this limit, the multiple transitions were studied in details and the phase diagram for this observed multicritical behavior was drawn in field amplitude and temperature plane. The natures (continuous/discontinuous) of the transitions are determined by the temperature variations of fourth-order Binder cumulant ratio and the distributions of order parameters near the transition points. The transitions are supported by finite size study. The temperature variations of the variances of dynamic order parameter components (for different system sizes) indicate the existence of diverging length scale near the dynamic transition points. The frequency dependences of the transition temperatures of the multiple dynamic transition are also studied briefly.

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