
This thesis is concerned with non-equilibrium phenomena in interacting quantum many-body systems. Specifically, we investigate the time-evolution and relaxation dynamics of Bose gases in a highly restricted geometry, which constrains the dynamics to one spatial dimension. This leads to a description of the system in terms of a simple model Hamiltonian which permits exact many-body quantum mechanical solutions due to its integrability. In the first part of this thesis, a computational method is developed to obtain experimentally relevant correlation functions in the framework of the coordinate Bethe ansatz. We employ this method to compute exact ground-state correlation functions of the Lieb-Liniger gas for up to seven particles covering the whole regime of repulsive interactions. We also investigate the dynamics of the system after an instantaneous change of the interaction strength. This quantum quench deposits large amounts of energy that cannot be dissipated due to the system being closed, and so the dynamics far from equilibrium are probed. We prepare the system in two different initial states, and quench to the same final interaction strength. The latter is determined in such a way that the added energy due to the quench is the same for both scenarios. Conventional statistical mechanics predicts the same relaxed state, but due to the integrability of the system all considered correlation functions of the relaxed states differ from each other and also from the thermal ones. We then investigate the dynamics and relaxed state for a quench from zero to repulsive interactions in more detail, focussing on the mechanism of relaxation and the involved time-scales. We find that local correlation functions relax on time-scales determined by the interaction strength, in contrast to non-local correlation functions, whose relaxation time-scale is proportional to the system size. Next, we employ the same methodology to study the one-dimensional Bose gas with attractive interactions. In this case many-body bound states are permissible solutions of the Lieb-Liniger model. We compare exact ground-state correlation functions of up to seven particles to their corresponding mean-field solution. The latter displays a quantum phase transition at a critical interaction strength, marking the transition from a uniform-density state to a localized bright soliton. Our exact results agree remarkably well with the corresponding mean-field solution past the critical point. We also investigate the dynamics following an interaction strength quench, starting again from the non-interacting ground state. Bound states strongly influence correlation functions for all post-quench interaction strengths, and local correlation functions are largely increased compared to their initial value. In the last part of this thesis, we investigate the behavior of the one-dimensional Bose gas under periodic driving of the interaction strength. To this end, we extend the coordinate Bethe-ansatz formalism by employing Floquet theory to obtain solutions for the full time- dependent Hamiltonian. This realizes an extension to non-integrable systems in a way that allows controlled breaking of integrability. We compare the dynamics of the system following an interaction quench to a fixed final interaction strength to that of a system with periodically modulated post-quench interaction strength. For fast driving, the system evolves according to the time-averaged Hamiltonian and correlation functions are nearly identical to those of the undriven system. The response of the system qualitatively changes at resonances of the time-averaged Hamiltonian, where we observe energy absorption and a marked change in correlation functions. However, the system does not absorb energy indefinitely.

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