
This article is devoted to main ideas of non-epistemic generative aesthetics.This modern approach to aesthetics is unknown to Ukrainian philosophers, and nonetheless, it contains many interesting and original ideas. The thinkers, working within this trend, speculate about the basic categories of aesthetics in postmodernist-style manner. In their description of aesthetical experience, they avoid clarity, certainty and go far beyond rationality. It allows them to elaborate an original lexicon, attractive to readers who are accustomed to the paradigm of discourse. The article also describe ideas of the non-epistemic generative aesthetics in connection with positivism and psychoanalysis. Also, at the article there is considered the manifestation of these ideas in social thought, especially at the time of the spread of virtual reality. Overcoming the limits of epistemic practice can reveal new aspects of aesthetic experience. Archetypal projections of binary meanings open up new perspectives in the aesthetic field, which leads to the leveling of the established semantic values. In the era of virtualization and globalization, the spread of simulacrum sets new challenges to aesthetic thinking. Denial of the rationality of logocentrism and appealing to the intuitive level of reflection allows us to discover new possibilities in the domain of aesthetic thought. This may prove to be appealing to some aesthetic researchers whose texts go beyond the rigid norms of scientific rationality.

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