
SUMMARY Status epilepticus (SE) can be divided into two subgroups, convul- sive status epilepticus (CSE) and nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE). NCSE is clinically characterized by recurrence or persistence of absence or complex partial seizures which unconsciousness per- sists. Seizures are lasted more than 30 minutes, and accompanied by mental and behavioral changes. Although the main feature is the change of level of consciousness, affective, memory, cognitive, speech, motor systems, behavioral and psychiatric disorders can be also seen. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the single diagnos- tic method in this situation. NCSE constitutes approximately 25% of all SE, however it is thought that sometimes it is misdiagnosed and the incidence of NCSE may be higher. The causes are disorders of central nervous system (stroke, infection, trauma, tumor), and metabolic factors (hypoxia, renal diseases, drugs, failure to use an- tiepileptic drug). The treatment contains the standard therapy of SE. Short-acting benzodiazepines are preferred in initial treatment. For more resistant cases, loading of phenytoin is applied. If there is no response to treatment, midazolam and propofol additionally to barbiturates can be used. We aimed to present a case admitted to our ED with altered mental status and diagnosed as NCSE that is under-diagnosed.

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