
We deal with a sequence of integer-valued random variables $\{Z_N\}_{N=1}^{\infty}$ which is related to restricted partitions of positive integers. We observe that $Z_N=X_1+ \ldots + X_N$ for independent and bounded random variables $X_j$'s, so $Z_N$ has finite mean ${\bf E}Z_N$ and variance ${\bf Var}Z_N$. We want to find the limit distribution of ${\hat Z}_N=\left(Z_N-{\bf E}Z_N\right)/{\sqrt{{\bf Var}Z_N}}$ as $N \to \infty.$ While in many cases the limit distribution is normal, the main results established in this paper are that ${\hat Z}_N \overset{d}{\to} Z_{*},$ where $Z_{*}$ is a bounded random variable. We find explicitly the range of values of $Z_*$ and derive some properties of its distribution. The main tools used are moment generating functions, cumulant generating functions, moments and cumulants of the random variables involved. Useful related topics are also discussed.

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