
Non-consultant career grade doctors in genitourinary (GU) medicine have been called 'a reliable silent backbone of the specialty' and 'a spare pair of hands' [Hiscock E. Non-consultant career grade staff in GU medicine; a reliable backbone or, a spare pair of hands? Int J STD AIDS 1996;7:375-7]. But are they adequate pairs of hands? This survey, conducted in July 2007, examined the work, qualifications and experience of these doctors. A summary of the 154 (19%) responses is presented. Respondents contributed 773 sessions per week, including 164 special interest sessions; 30 (19.5%) were doing regular HIV work. Non-clinical work was described by 134 (87%), especially teaching (132 [86%]) and management roles (26 [17%]). Postgraduate qualifications were cited by 148 (96%), including DipGUM or Dip Ven (51 [33%]), contraception qualifications such as DFFP, MFFP or FFFP (110 [71%]), MRCGP (43 [8%]) and qualifications in psychosexual medicine/therapy (10 [6.5%]). Over half were trained in general practice. Certificate of completion of specialist training or equivalent was held by 55 (36%), including two in GU medicine. These doctors are well qualified, and an asset to the specialty.

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