
Transcriptome profiling of human tissues has revealed thousands of long intergenic noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs) at loci identified through large-scale genome-wide studies for complex cardiometabolic traits. This raises the question of whether genetic variation at nonconserved lincRNAs has any systematic association with complex disease, and if so, how different this pattern is from conserved lincRNAs. We evaluated whether the associations between nonconserved lincRNAs and 8 complex cardiometabolic traits resemble or differ from the pattern of association for conserved lincRNAs. Approach and Results: Our investigation of over 7000 lincRNA annotations from GENCODE Release 33-GRCh38.p13 for complex trait genetic associations leveraged several large, established meta-analyses genome-wide association study summary data resources, including GIANT (Genetic Investigation of Anthropometric Traits), UK Biobank, GLGC (Global Lipids Genetics Consortium), Cardiogram (Coronary Artery Disease Genome Wide Replication and Meta-Analysis), and DIAGRAM (Diabetes Genetics Replication and Meta-Analysis)/DIAMANTE (Diabetes Meta-Analysis of Trans-Ethnic Association Studies). These analyses revealed that (1) nonconserved lincRNAs associate with a range of cardiometabolic traits at a rate that is generally consistent with conserved lincRNAs; (2) these findings persist across different definitions of conservation; and (3) overall across all cardiometabolic traits, approximately one-third of genome-wide association study-associated lincRNAs are nonconserved, and this increases to about two-thirds using a more stringent definition of conservation. These findings suggest that the traditional notion of conservation driving prioritization for functional and translational follow-up of complex cardiometabolic genomic discoveries may need to be revised in the context of the abundance of nonconserved long noncoding RNAs in the human genome and their apparent predilection to associate with complex cardiometabolic traits.

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