
We develop a general noncommutative version of Balmer's tensor triangular geometry that is applicable to arbitrary monoidal triangulated categories (M$\Delta$Cs). Insight from noncommutative ring theory is used to obtain a framework for prime, semiprime, and completely prime (thick) ideals of an M$\Delta$C, ${\bf K}$, and then to associate to ${\bf K}$ a topological space--the Balmer spectrum ${\rm Spc}{\bf K}$. We develop a general framework for (noncommutative) support data, coming in three different flavors, and show that ${\rm Spc}{\bf K}$ is a universal terminal object for the first two notions (support and weak support). The first two types of support data are then used in a theorem that gives a method for the explicit classification of the thick (two-sided) ideals and the Balmer spectrum of an M$\Delta$C. The third type (quasi support) is used in another theorem that provides a method for the explicit classification of the thick right ideals of ${\bf K}$, which in turn can be applied to classify the thick two-sided ideals and ${\rm Spc}{\bf K}$.

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