
We show that for the family of complex reflection groups G = G(m, p,2) appearing in the Shephard–Todd classification, the endomorphism ring of the reduced hyperplane arrangement A(G) is a non-commutative resolution for the coordinate ring of the discriminant Δ of G. This furthers the work of Buchweitz, Faber and Ingalls who showed that this result holds for any true reflection group. In particular, we construct a matrix factorization for Δ from A(G) and decompose it using data from the irreducible representations of G. For G(m, p,2) we give a full decomposition of this matrix factorization, including for each irreducible representation a corresponding maximal Cohen–Macaulay module. The decomposition concludes that the endomorphism ring of the reduced hyperplane arrangement A(G) will be a non-commutative resolution. For the groups G(m,1,2), the coordinate rings of their respective discriminants are all isomorphic to each other. We also calculate and compare the Lusztig algebra for these groups.

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