
The predictions of the Mirror Symmetry are extended in dimensions n>3 and are proven for projective complete intersections Calabi-Yau varieties. Precisely, we prove that the total collection of rational Gromov-Witten invariants of such variety can be expressed in terms of certain invariants of a new generalization of variation of Hodge structures attached to the dual variety. To formulate the general principles of Mirror Symmetry in arbitrary dimension it is necessary to introduce the ``extended moduli space of complex structures'' M. An analog M\to H*(X,C)[n] of the classical period map is described and is shown to be a local isomorphism. The invariants of the generalized variations of Hodge structures are introduced. It is proven that their generating function satisfies the system of WDVV-equations exactly as in the case of Gromov-Witten invariants. The basic technical tool utilized is the Deformation theory.

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