
Our geometric concepts evolved first through the discovery of Non-Euclidean geometry. The discovery of quantum mechanics in the form of the noncommuting coordinates on the phase space of atomic systems entails an equally drastic evolution. We describe a basic construction which extends the familiar duality between ordinary spaces and commutative algebras to a duality between Quotient spaces and Noncommutative algebras. The basic tools of the theory, K-theory, Cyclic cohomology, Morita equivalence, Operator theoretic index theorems, Hopf algebra symmetry are reviewed. They cover the global aspects of noncommutative spaces, such as the transformation θ → 1/θ for the noncommutative torus T θ 2 which are unseen in perturbative expansions in θ such as star or Moyal products. We discuss the foundational problem of “what is a manifold in NCG” and explain the fundamental role of Poincare duality in K-homology which is the basic reason for the spectral point of view. This leads us, when specializing to 4-geometries to a universal algebra called the “Instanton algebra”. We describe our joint work with G. Landi which gives noncommutative spheres S θ 4 from representations of the Instanton algebra. We show that any compact Riemannian spin manifold whose isometry group has rank r ≥ 2 admits isospectral deformations to noncommutative geometries. We give a survey of several recent developments. First our joint work with H. Moscovici on the transverse geometry of foliations which yields a diffeomorphism invariant (rather than the usual covariant one) geometry on the bundle of metrics on a manifold and a natural extension of cyclic cohomology to Hopf algebras. Second, our joint work with D. Kreimer on renormalization and the Riemann-Hilbert problem. Finally we describe the spectral realization of zeros of zeta and L-functions from the noncommutative space of Adele classes on a global field and its relation with the Arthur-Selberg trace formula in the Langlands program. We end with a tantalizing connection between the renormalization group and the missing Galois theory at Archimedean places.

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