
We establish a connection between the representation theory of certain noncommutative singular varieties and two-dimensional lattice models. Specifically, we consider noncommutative biparametric deformations of the fiber product of two Kleinian singularities of type A. Special examples are closely related to the Schrödinger algebra S(1), the affine Lie algebra A1(1), and a finite W-algebra associated to sl4.The algebras depend on two scalars and two polynomials that must satisfy the Mazorchuk–Turowska Equation (MTE), which we re-interpret as a quantization of the ice rule (local current conservation) in statistical mechanics. Solutions to the MTE, previously classified by the author and D. Rosso, can accordingly be expressed in terms of multisets of higher spin vertex configurations on a twisted cylinder.We first reduce the problem of describing the category of weight modules to the case of a single configuration L. Secondly, we classify all simple weight modules over the corresponding algebras A(L), in terms of the connected components of the cylinder minus L. Lastly, we prove that A(L) are crystalline graded rings (as defined by Nauwelaerts and Van Oystaeyen), and describe the center of A(L) explicitly in terms of L.Along the way we prove several new results about twisted generalized Weyl algebras and their simple weight modules.

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