
Given a quiver algebra A with relations defined by a superpotential, this paper defines a set of invariants of A counting framed cyclic A–modules, analogous to rank–1 Donaldson–Thomas invariants of Calabi–Yau threefolds. For the special case when A is the non-commutative crepant resolution of the threefold ordinary double point, it is proved using torus localization that the invariants count certain pyramid-shaped partition-like configurations, or equivalently infinite dimer configurations in the square dimer model with a fixed boundary condition. The resulting partition function admits an infinite product expansion, which factorizes into the rank–1 Donaldson–Thomas partition functions of the commutative crepant resolution of the singularity and its flop. The different partition functions are speculatively interpreted as counting stable objects in the derived category of A–modules under different stability conditions; their relationship should then be an instance of wall crossing in the space of stability conditions on this triangulated category.

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