
In this paper, we study and prove the non-asymptotic superlinear convergence rate of the Broyden class of quasi-Newton algorithms which includes the Davidon–Fletcher–Powell (DFP) method and the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) method. The asymptotic superlinear convergence rate of these quasi-Newton methods has been extensively studied in the literature, but their explicit finite–time local convergence rate is not fully investigated. In this paper, we provide a finite–time (non-asymptotic) convergence analysis for Broyden quasi-Newton algorithms under the assumptions that the objective function is strongly convex, its gradient is Lipschitz continuous, and its Hessian is Lipschitz continuous at the optimal solution. We show that in a local neighborhood of the optimal solution, the iterates generated by both DFP and BFGS converge to the optimal solution at a superlinear rate of (1/k)^{k/2}, where k is the number of iterations. We also prove a similar local superlinear convergence result holds for the case that the objective function is self-concordant. Numerical experiments on several datasets confirm our explicit convergence rate bounds. Our theoretical guarantee is one of the first results that provide a non-asymptotic superlinear convergence rate for quasi-Newton methods.

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